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    ELT Platform PL

    Extra excercises anytime, anywhere


    ELT Platform is a collection of extra exercises that students can do on-line, while the teacher maintains control. These exercises are connected to MM Publications coursebooks and can be accessed through computer, tablet or smartphone.

    Apart from making the exercises available, the teacher can see the students’ results with plenty of statistics allowing to keep track of the progress of the group as well as individual students.

    Using the ELT Platform is a great way to introduce digital materials to the lessons, as required in the new national curriculum.


    Simply click here to gain access to this cutting-edge service

    Main features:
    • Online availability
    • Exercises as homework
    • Exercises as part of the lesson
    • Extra practice material
    • Online notification system between teachers and students
    • Teachers are able to hand out the excercises.
    • Studens doing the excercises
    • Immediate feedback of the progress of students for teachers and students


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